Electrical Engineering Student Council

Without electricity - nothing happens! - and without a student council?

What is a student council?

We represent the interests of students at the student council
Electrical Engineering and are made up of students from different year groups.

The student council is elected every year.
This gives every student the opportunity to contribute their interests and ideas to the student body.


And what does a student council do?

We ...

  • advise and support students in all matters relating to their studies

  • stand up for your interests, ideas and problems

  • organize events for you (Christmas party, etc.)

  • represent the students in the university committees (Stura, examination board, etc.)

  • mediate between students, professors and staff

  • Support new students at the beginning of their studies

As you can see, this is a wide range of tasks and we are therefore dependent on your support.

We invite you to drop by at any time!


Tom Richter K-ESd19

Johann Scheffel EAd20

Aleander Klimmek K-EAAd20

Nico Nitsche K-EAd21

Fachschaftsrat Elektrotechnik
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building House ZI, Room 2.23