Student Council Computer Science

Hello first-year students!

Nice that you have made it to our site. Take your time to look around.

The plan for the freshman orientation can be found here.


We are the university policy representatives of the Computer Science Student Council, the student body that represents your interests and organizes leisure events.

Our main projects include the first semester introduction (ESE) and the mentoring project, which make it easier for first-year students to start their studies. In everyday student life, we help you with problems with professors.

We delegate members to other committees of our faculty and the university, such as the Computer Science Study Commission, the Computer Science Examination Board and the Student Council (StuRa).

Anyone who would like to join us or just have a look is very welcome!

Current information in the Matrix news channel.
Find us on Instagram!
We also have a Discord server. Have a look!
If you have any questions, drop by the office (Görlitz, House G II, Room B359) or contact us by email: fsi(at)

That's us!

Have you always wondered who this ominous Computer Science Student Council actually is? Then you have the answer here (at least as a picture). From now on we wear blue instead of green!

Elected members

Karsten Hänsch

Maurice Müller

Max Scholz

Other members

Jasper Mroß

Kevin Stoffel

Richard Mrosk

Tim Döring

Computer scientists represent you in the following committees

  • Student Council

    The Student Council or StuRa is your student representative body at the entire university. Most of the members are delegated by the student councils. In our case, we can delegate one person as we are a very small department. The StuRa deals with your concerns and stands up for you. Among other things, it also deals with the semester ticket and hardship applications. If you want to find out more about the student council, just have a look at their website or attend a plenary session.

    You will be represented there by:

    Max Scholz (delegated) - Head of the Organization Department

  • Senate

    The Senate is a university policy body made up of a large proportion of professors and staff, but also a few student representatives. The Senate is chaired by the Rector. Decisions for the university are made there. For example, it decides on the university's regulations, including the study and examination regulations of the individual faculties, or the appointment of new professors.

    You will be represented there by:

    Max Scholz (1st substitute representative)

  • Extended Senate

    The Extended Senate consists of the Senate and other representatives of the university, including four students. It is responsible for the election and dismissal of the Rector, as well as for passing resolutions on the basic regulations and their amendment.

    You will be represented there by:

    Karsten Hänsch

    Max Scholz

  • Faculty Council Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    The Faculty Council is mainly made up of the Dean (something like the Rector, only for a specific faculty) and elected professors, staff and students. Administrative matters of the faculty are decided here: The Faculty Council is responsible for issuing study and examination regulations, appointment proposals for professors and much more. As a rule, two or three student representatives always sit on the Faculty Council alongside professors and staff.

    You will be represented there by:

    Karsten Hänsch

    Max Scholz (1st substitute representative)

  • Examination Board Computer Science

    The examination board is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with the examination regulations. Among other things, it decides on the consequences of violations of examination regulations, the recognition of reasons for not taking an examination and on compensation for disadvantages, as well as appeals by students in connection with examinations. There are also student representatives here.

    You will be represented there by:

    Enrico Titze