For sponsors

We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters who have made it possible for us to hold the Olympiad so far. Without their help, we would not be able to look back on so many successful Olympiads. Thank you very much!

Would you like to support the event or become a sponsor?

  • Lunch and the coffee buffet before the award ceremony are to be financed for the participants and teachers.
  • The prizes for the winners will be paid for by a sponsor.
  • Each participant will receive a cloth bag with a writing pad, a collection of formulas and gifts from the sponsors and supporters.
  • The logos will be displayed on posters, signposts, documents, reports, online and printed materials.
  • If necessary, a stand, exhibition, excursion on the day of the Olympiad, at one of the previous meetings or an invitation to e.g.  exploration at your facility is possible.

Let's think together about how you can benefit from the Olympiad and support us. Please contact Prof. Scharf or Mr. Schreiter.


Previous sponsors: