International cooperations

Technical University in Liberec (Czech Republic)

Students with a Bachelor's degree in automation and mechatronics have the opportunity to study for a Master's degree at the Technical University of Liberec. This educational institution in the immediate vicinity of Zittau offers excellent
conditions in this field of study. The Master of Mechatronics course lasts three semesters.
One semester is studied in Zittau and one in Liberec. The language of instruction
is English. The third semester is reserved for the Master's thesis and can be completed either in
the Czech Republic or Germany.

This stay abroad is supported by the Erasmus+ funding program.
Students can be exempted from tuition fees and additional costs incurred abroad can be funded.

The degree is crowned with a double degree, i.e. a certificate from Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the Technical University of Liberec. After this Master's degree, interested students can also consider a PhD degree in cooperation with the Technical University. The application deadline for students of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is June 15.

Tec de Monterrey in Mexico

Students on the Bachelor's degree courses in Automation and Mechatronics and Electrical Energy Systems can take part in the Mexican-German University Cooperation program for one to two semesters. This enables German universities to exchange students with the partner university Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, or Tec de Monterrey for short. The institution is one of the world's most renowned elite universities, whose graduates are highly sought after.

Students can choose between an exchange semester and a double degree.

In the double degree program, you complete two English/Spanish semesters as well as a three-month internship in a domestic company.
So that you can concentrate on your exchange stay and your studies on site, Tec de Monterrey staff will support you with course selection, language acquisition, finding accommodation and the cultural program. Sufficient English and basic Spanish language skills
are required. The stay abroad is intended for students who have completed four Bachelor's semesters at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and can be completed in the 5th and/or 6th semester. The Bachelor's thesis can then be completed regularly in the 7th semester

The application deadline for beginning studies in August is always January 31.

North-West University in Potchefstroom (South Africa)

Students on the Electrical Energy Systems and Automation and Mechatronics courses can benefit from a new university cooperation and spend one or two semesters abroad at North-West University in South Africa.

The university campus is located in the city of Potchefstroom, 130 km southwest of Johannesburg. This campus, whose history dates back to 1869,
has always been characterized by its highly qualified graduates and its pioneering research.
Internationality plays a really big role at this university: students from over 60 nations live, study and research here.

The stay abroad at North-West University is supported by the funding program
Erasmus+ and is intended for students after the 4th semester. It can therefore be completed in the 5th and/or 6th semester. Unfortunately, a double degree is not yet possible.

Tongji University in Shanghai (China)

Students of mechatronics have the opportunity to participate in the program of Tongji University and the German University Consortium for International Cooperation. Tongji University is located in the heart of Shanghai, one of the largest and most modern cities in the People's Republic of China and the world. This cooperation offers students the unique opportunity to gain valuable practical experience in the heart of the breathtaking metropolis, acquire international skills and broaden their cultural horizons in the process.

The special feature of this cooperation is that students can obtain a double degree in two semesters. One of the semesters is a theory semester, which is only offered in the winter semester and whose lectures are held in English and German. The program is intended for students who have completed four bachelor's semesters at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
and can be completed in the 5th and/or 6th semester. Students aiming for a double degree must write and submit their Bachelor's thesis in English.

The application deadline for students starting in August is always January 31.

All information on the respective stays abroad, application documents, processes, deadlines, visas and possible scholarships can be obtained from the faculty or the International Office.