7th International Electrical Engineering Olympiad 2001

03.03.2001, 10.00 a.m.

Prof. Herzig opens the 7th Electrical Engineering Olympiad right on time

03.03.2001, 10.00 a.m.

The 90 - minute exam will decide the winners, full concentration is a matter of course.

03.03.2001, 12.00 noon

After the tense mental work, the excursion to the technical monument & Museum Kraftwerk Hirschfelde is a welcome change.

03.03.2001, 12.00 h

The function of a piston steam engine has always fascinated people.

03.03.2001, 14.45 h

The participants of the 7th Olympiad at the traditional family photo in front of the Zittau town hall.

03.03.2001, 15.00 h

The sponsors have once again laid a generous table of gifts.

03.03.2001, 15.00 h

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Reichel encourages students to study electrical engineering.

03.03.2001, 15.00 h

This is what winners look like, an exciting competition comes to an end.

03.03.2001, 15.00 h

The Big Band of the Varnsdorf Music School brings musical greetings.

04.10.2001, 17.15 h

Successful Olympiad participants climb onto the roof of the German Bundestag: on the dome of the Reichstag building in Berlin