II Academic and professional background
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus ten Hagen studied EE/CS from 1983-1987 at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH). He started as a developer of hardware and real-time software at the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV). From 1988 to 1994 he was a research assistant at the Institute for Integrated Systems (ISS). His research area was hardware-software codesign. One outcome of his work was the HW/SW co-simulation capability in the system simulator COSSAP. (COSSAP was productized by CADIS. CADIS was acquired by Synopsys in 1994.) Prof. ten Hagen is the author of the book Abstract Modeling of Digital Circuits published by Springer. In 1995 he worked as a consultant for high level design methodology. From 1995 to 2000 he held various management positions at Synopsys in Silicon Valley. From 2000-2001 he developed the patented eSilicon Access WIP tracking system and from 2001-2003 he was VP of Engineering at SigmaQuest. Since March 2003 he is a professor at the university of Zittau-Görlitz. Prof. ten Hagen is the author of numerous publications and three US patents.
III. Contents of the subjects in keywords
Relational databases (BS 2nd semester): Relational algebra, referential integrity, SQL, logic, indices, physical vs logical level, DB design with ERD, tables, normalization as part of the complete design process, stored procedures, triggers, referential actions, transactions, isolation levels, logging
Advanced DB Concepts 1 (MS 1.Sem.): This module introduces the components of a real DB management system and how they work together to realize the logical abstraction of the previous lecture. The basic tasks of DB administration are introduced. Alternative ways of implementing persistence are discussed.
Advanced DB Concepts 2 (MS 2.Sem.): The execution of complex queries with the help of execution plans is discussed. The components of an execution plan, such as external sorting, are introduced and it is shown how the plans can be analyzed before and after execution. Based on these plans, the optimization of the execution of queries is introduced where the statistics of the tables play an important role. Finally, distributed databases are discussed.
Theaim of the following courses in the field of data mining for a degree program in computer science is the implementation of data mining algorithms and their benchmarking on real data. On the one hand, this challenge is due to the necessity of practicing the step-by-step implementation of complex algorithms with subsequent quality assurance; on the other hand, for many algorithms, the actual challenges lie in the implementation, e.g. the sum of log likelihoods, and finally, the ability to criticize the application is only formed when the algorithms have been applied to real data with their inconsistencies, e.g. "wrong class labels", and other deficiencies, e.g. "curse of dimensionality".
Data Mining Intro (BS 5th semester): The module starts with the introduction of data mining applications in industry and research. OLTP is differentiated from OLAP in the discussion of data warehousing. Exploratory data analysis and classification with the algorithms: Linear Classifier, K-NN, Decision Tree Induction and Naïve Bayes are presented. The R-Tree for accelerating K-NN is discussed. Finally, different methods of cross validation to evaluate a classifier are introduced.
Data Mining 1 (MS 1.Sem.): Data Mining is presented in relation to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Agents. The methods presented are illustrated by application examples in real projects. In particular, the following are covered: Optimal decision making under uncertainty, Bayesian Networks, Naive Bayes, Curse of Demensionality, Cross Validation for Feature Selection and Parameter Estimation, Clustering, e.g. K-means / medoids, Hierarchical Clustering, Nearest neighbor clustering, DBscan
Data Mining 2 (MS 2.Sem.): This module introduces Bayesian decision theory. In detail, it deals with Likelihood Ratio Test with Bayes Risk, MLE and MAP, Parametric Density Estimation, e.g. Gaussian Mixture Models, Non-parametric Density Estimation, e.g. Parzen Window, Dimensionality Reduction with e.g. Principal Components, Expectation Maximization, State Estimation, Hidden Markov Model, Bayesian Filter, e.g. Particle Filter
IV. Overview of research projects
Current projects
- gWalk : Mobile tourism guide based on the mobile Android operating system (2nd prize in the worldwide Google Android competition in 2008)
- Predictive Maintenance : Development of data mining applications for optimized decision making in the maintenance of complex systems in cooperation with Decision Optimization GmbH
Completed projects
- IKAROS : Integration of a restaurant into a tour plan (BMFT)
- VESUV : Intelligent agents for a dynamic tour guide (BMWi)
- Intelligent Repair: Recommendations of diagnoses and repairs based on the mining of test, diagnosis and repair data (Client: www.SigmaQuest.com)
- Test Flow Visualization : Data mining and visualization of the flow of electronic components and devices in distributed manufacturing (Client: SigmaQuest)
- email Recommender for ticket distribution at www.TicketCenter.de
- Predictive Maintenance for AppliedBioSytems : Prediction of maintenance activities for medical analysis devices (Client: SigmaQuest)
V. Selected projects carried out together with students:
All projects above
VI. selected theses
Ronny Kramer "Design and evaluation of a context- and interest-driven mobile application for tourism" at Clausthal University of Technology in collaboration with Professors Joerg Mueller and Niels Pinkwart
Diploma, MS and BS theses
On average five per year, as an example a selected MS thesis from 2009:
Christoph Paulusch "Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a State Estimator for Deterioration with Hidden Markov Models"
VII Selected publications
- System for a Semiconductor Supply Chain, No. 09/912,028
- Prediction based Optimization of a Semiconductor Supply Chain Using an Adaptive Real Time Work-in-Progress Tracking System, No. 09/912,030
- System and Method for visually representing time-based data, No. 61/051,176
Monographs and collected works
- Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Klaus ten Hagen; "Teil II - Aufgabendelegation im E-Tourismus" (pp. 151 - 240) in Alexander Rossnagel, Philip Laue, Jan Peter (Editors) "Delegation von Aufgaben an IT Assistenzsysteme" Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmH, Wiesbaden 2009
- Marko Modsching, Ronny Kramer, Klaus ten Hagen, "Integration of a Restaurant as a Tour Component into a Tour Guide Planning Systems" in "Information, Communication and Work Process Optimization with Mobile Systems: Figures, Results and Perspectives on the IKAROS Project", edited by Uwe Grossmann, Juergen Kawalek, Juergen Sieck, Gito Verlag, May 9, 2008.
- Marko Modsching, Ronny Kramer, Ulrike Gretzel, Klaus ten Hagen; "The impact of a push and pull based electronic tour guide on the behaviour of tourists" in "Information, Kommunikation und Arbeitsprozessoptimierung mit Mobilen Systemen: Figures, results and perspectives on the IKAROS project", edited by Uwe Grossmann, Juergen Kawalek, Juergen Sieck, Gito Verlag 2008.
- K. ten Hagen, Abstrakte Modellierung digitaler Schaltungen (VHDL vom funktionaler Modell bis zur Gatterebene), Springer Heidelberg, New York, August 1995, ISBN 3-540-59134-5.
Articles in scientific journals
- Marcel Riebeck, Annegret Stark, Marko Modsching, Juergen Kawalek, Klaus ten Hagen "Studying the User Acceptance of a Mobile Information System for Tourists: Field Trial Results" to appear in "Journal of Information Technology & Tourism (JITT)", IFITT Cognizant, USA, http://itt.ec3.at/ Editor-in-Chief Hannes Werthner
- Marko Modsching, Ronny Kramer, Ulrike Gretzel, Klaus ten Hagen "Using Location-Based Tracking Data to Analyze the Movements of City Tourists", in "Journal of Information Technology & Tourism (JITT)", Vol. 10, Number 1, pp.31-42, IFITT Cognizant, USA, http://itt.ec3.at/ Editor-in-Chief Hannes Werthner
- Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Klaus ten Hagen "Development and evaluation of a context-driven, mobile tourist guide", "International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communication (JPCC)", Vol. 3, Issue 4, (2008) pp. 378-399, http://www.pervasive-computing.org/ http://www.troubador.co.uk/jpcc/
Presentations at conferences
- Marko Modsching, Ronny Kramer, Klaus ten Hagen, Ulrike Gretzel; "The impact of a push and pull based electronic tour guide on the behavior of tourists - Results from a field trial" in "Wirelesss Communication and Information" by Juergen Sieck and Michael A. Herzog (Editors), Verlag Werner Huelsbusch, Boizenburg, 2008
- Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Marcel Riebeck, Annegret Stark, Klaus ten Hagen "Field trial on the efficiency and user experience of GPS based state of the art navigational systems for pedestrians" in4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2007 (WPNC'07), Hannover, March 22nd 2007; http://www.wpnc.net/
- Marko Modsching, Ronny Kramer, Klaus ten Hagen, Ulrike Gretzel; "Effectiveness of Mobile Recommender Systems for Tourist Destinations: A User Evaluation", AAAI Spring Symposium Series, March 26-28, 2007; Stanford University, California http://www.aaai.org/Symposia/Spring/
- Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Klaus ten Hagen, Ulrike Gretzel: "Behavioral Impacts of Mobile Tour Guide Perceptions" in "Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007" (ENTER 2007), Springer Computer Science, January, 2007; http://www.ifitt.org/enter/
- Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Klaus ten Hagen, Ulrike Gretzel; "Web-based Recommenders for Personalized City Tours: A Usage Analysis" in "Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007" (ENTER 2007), Springer Computer Science, January, 2007; http://www.ifitt.org/enter/
- Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Klaus ten Hagen, Ulrike Gretzel; "Web-based Recommenders for Personalized City Tours: A Usage Analysis" in "Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007" (ENTER 2007), Springer Computer Science, January, 2007; http://www.ifitt.org/enter/
Other relevant publications
- Children's Academy at the Zittau-Görlitz University of Applied Sciences "The Know-How Computer"