Winter semester: Lecture: 2 SWS, seminar: 2 SWS, 2 practical course attempts
Final performance: Examination (120 min)
Admission requirements for the examination: Successful participation in the practical course, participation in the course Digital Technology
Introduction to
- Analog and digital signals
- Comparison of analog and digital signal representation
- Principle of AD conversion
- Parallel and serial information processing
- Number systems and conversions
- Fixed and floating point representation
- Representation of fractional numbers
- Representation of signed numbers
- Dual arithmetic
- Definition of codes
- Frequently used codes
- Error-detectable codes
- Error-detectable codes
Combinatorial circuits (analysis)
- Characteristics of combinatorial circuits
- Forms of description of combinatorial circuits:
- Switching function, truth table, logic symbols
- Functions of one binary variable
- Functions of two binary variables
- Analysis of switching networks
- Disjunctive (DNF) and conjunctive normal form (KNF)
Frequently used switching networks
- Comparator
- Encoder, decoder
- Multiplexer, demultiplexer
- Arithmetic circuits
Sequential circuits (analysis)
- Characteristics of sequential circuits
- Description options for sequential circuits:
- State graph (Mealy automaton), state sequence table, pulse sequence table
Frequently used switching mechanisms
- RS basic flip-flop (FF)
- Clock control
- Counter
- Shift register
Combinatorial circuits (synthesis) I
- Synthesis in "Krause logic"
- Circuit algebra
- Circuit simplification with laws of circuit algebra
- Switching network realization with given logic operations
Combinatorial circuits (synthesis) II
- Computer-aided circuit simplification according to Quine and McCluskey
- Graphical circuit simplification according to Karnaugh Veitch
Combinatorial circuits (synthesis) III
- Programmable logic devices (PLD)
- Synthesis from DNF: PROM
- Synthesis from minimized DNF: PAL/GAL
- Multi-output minimization: PLA
Circuit families I
- Ideal and real switch
- Transistor as switching element
- Binary voltage levels
- Characteristics of logic gates (switching times, load factors, interference immunity)
- DTL circuit family
Circuit families II
- TTL circuit family
- Gates with open collector
- Tristate gate
- NMOS circuit family
- PMOS circuit family
- CMOS circuit family
Semiconductor memory
- Task, division, serial and random access
- Serial access: shift register, FIFO, LIFO
- Random access:
- Non-volatile memory (read-only memory) (ROM)
- Programmable read-only memories (PROM)
- Reprogrammable read-only memories: EPROM, EEPROM
- Volatile memories (RAM): SRAM, DRAM
Programmable logic circuits
- Classification of PLD: PROM, EPROM, FPLA, FPGA
- Basic structure, programming technologies
- Computer-aided design and hardware description languages (HDL)
- Combinatorial hazards
- Functional hazards
- Structure hazards
Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog convertersADU: Principle of conversion, classification, examples DAU: Principle of conversion, classification, examples