6th International Electrical Engineering Olympiad 2000

04.03.2000, 09.30 a.m.

The evening before the Olympics in the "Jägerwäldchen" youth hostel was another long one. But now it's time to get down to business in the retreat.

04.03.2000, 10.00 a.m.

Only pocket calculators and the 3-language formulary are permitted for the 90-minute exam.

04.03.2000, 12.00 noon

The excursion destination, the energy-ecological model town Ostritz- St. Marienthal was worth the trip.

04.03.2000, 12.30 p.m.

In the ENERGY-WORK-STAD(T)T in the 765-year-old Cistercian convent of St. Marienthal.

04.03.2000, 13.00 h

The "generation" of energy by muscle power provides new insights: Energy- a matter of course ?

04.03.2000, 14.00 h

Sawing with water power - an old, new technology ...

04.03.2000, 15.00 h

The traditional family photo in front of the Zittau town hall.

04.03.2000, 15.30 h

The sponsors have laid a rich table of gifts for the prize winners.

04.03.2000, 16.30 h

Speech by the patron of the Olympiad, the Saxon Minister of State Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Meyer. State Minister Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Meyer (Presidium from left to right: Lord Mayor Kloß; Chairman of the VDE-BV Dresden Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Pundt; Magnificence Prof. Dr.-Ing Reichel; Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing Gorgius; Head of the "NEISSE-ELEKTRO 2000" working group Prof. Dr.-Ing Herzig)

04.03.2000, 16.30 hrs

The winner of the Olympiad - Egmont Schreiter - is honored.