
Research priorities


  • Teaching and research activities at schools and universities

  • PhD (Dr.rer.nat.) in computer science at the PH Dresden, 1987

  • Diploma in mathematics/computer science (teaching degree) at the PH Dresden, 1981

Research areas and interests

  • Didactics of (theoretical) computer science and eLearning

    - Computer science education

    - eLearning: ProgrammingWiki,  AtoCC

  • Programming

    - Beginners' training in programming

    - functional programming: RacketScheme,  Clojure, Python, LOGO

    - Map-reduce method, concurrency, cloud

  • Development of web applications and XML workflow systems

    - Web application development: Java EE reference model

    - frameworks:  JSF, SeamSpringClickPrimeFaces

    - XML-based technologies: CMS, publishing, noSQL

Approx. 100 publications, including 21 books or book contributions
Research projects of the faculty, including those of the Department of Computer Science (selection)
Acknowledgments: Participation in or support of work

Stays abroad (short/long-term, conference visits) in approx. 17 countries
3 research semesters (WS 95/96 - USA, WS 02/03 - Denmark, SS 08 - Germany)

Approx. 100 supervised student theses (Bachelor, Diploma, Master)