Development of web applications and XML workflow systems

Lectures, research stays and workshops

  • xmlprague 2010: Conference on XML - Prague, 13-14.03.10(travel information, ÖPNV in Prague)

  • xmlprague2009: Conference on XML - Prague, 21-22.03.09(travel information, ÖPNV in Prague)

  • Lecture "Risk-Management und Informatik" (with L. Rönisch), 2nd Görlitz Symposium for Regional Health Policy, 12.04.08

  • xmlprague2007: Conference on XML - Prague, 16-17.06.07(travel informationÖPNV in Prague)

  • xmlprague2006: Conference on XML - Prague, June 17-18.6.06

  • Seminar of the German Informatics Academy (DIA): "XML and Databases", Mainz, 07.06.01 


Projects (including third-party funded projects)


Ongoing projects:

  • XWT - System for the development of server-based web applications 

Completed projects:

  • Project  Yula: Universal survey system (SOA with OSGi, XML)

  • Further development of Risikous as a universal survey and RM system(Protec)

  • Conceptual design and prototypical realization of a location, contract and claims management system according to specific framework specifications(Protec) - Report

  • readform/ReadGUI - a software for producing and analyzing paper-based surveys - Publication

  • Development of a web-based risk management system in cooperation with the company Protec Würzburg; Partner: Städtische Klinikum Görlitz - Reports: Klinik-ZeitschriftWochen-Kurier

  • Development of a plant management and goods tracking system ( Hoinkis, Görlitz)

  • "Durchgängiger Werkzeugkreislauf in den Fertigungssegmenten der Siemens, PG I 25" (Integrated circulation of all tools on the store floor in the department of PG I 25) - Report

  • Internet-based study "Integration needs of people with Down syndrome" ( Ekkehart Paditz: Center for Applied Prevention®, Dresden)

  • CUL module "Scientific Publishing on the Web" for the Bachelor's degree course in ICT (Neisse University)

  • MoDoC: Modular document composer

  • LeNoX: a lecture notes system (XML-based CMS with Cocoon and Xindice)

  • Letterman

  • ELPI: Electronic pinboard for course evaluation(documentationPinwandWeb

  • EMS - Examination management system

  • Electronic module handbook: Module descriptions for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Computer Science 

  • Electronic module handbook as CMS: Module descriptions for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Computer Science

  • Signalserver - On-demand download of dynamic web pages(paper)

Research contributions


Research stays



List of publications