Laboratory facilities

At the Zittau Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, various laboratory facilities are available in the field of high voltage engineering / theoretical electrical engineering / materials of electrical engineering. The laboratory facilities are described according to the local division:

The laboratory facilities are not only used for teaching and research, but can also be used to provide services (examinations). Please refer to our range of services for an excerpt of the possibilities.

At the Research Departement for High Voltage Engineering / Materials / Electromagnetic Theory at the University of Applied Science Zittau / Görlitz, Germany various laboratories are available. The laboratories are described related to their room structure:

  • Big Hall
  • Material Science Laboratory
  • Free Field Lab
  • Various Laboratories

The laboratories are used for teaching and training and research work, but also material and component tests as a service can be done. A short list of possible tests, which can be ordered on a service base, are available and shown at Service-Offer.