Zeitraum | |
2016 - | PhD study in cooperation with TU Dresden |
2012 - | Research assistant at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Görlitz in the field of High Voltage Engineering / Materials / Theoretical Electrical Engineering |
2008-2012 | Studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Görlitz |
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, J. Lambrecht, and K. Hindelang, "Evaluation of the Tracking and Erosion Resistance at DC-Stress using the Example of Silicone Elastomers", presented at the Conference on Silicon Insulation 2022, Burghausen, May 2022.
S. Kuehnel, S. Kornhuber, J. Lambrecht, and K. Hindelang, "Zur Bewertung der Erosion in der schiefe-ebene- Anordnung unter Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung", in Verhalten, Alterung sowie Modellierung von polymeren Isolierstoffen und ihren Grenzflächen, Zittau: VDE, Oct. 2021.
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, C. Bär, and J. Lambrecht, "The Electrical Characteristics of Low Current Surface Discharges with Liquid Electrodes and the Adaption of Test Parameters for a DC Inclined-Plane-Test", held at the 48th CIGRE Session, Paris, Aug. 2020.
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, J. Lambrecht, and K. Hindelang, "On the Electrical Characteristics of Low-Current DC-Discharges", in Conference on Silicone Insulation 2019, July 2019.
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, J. Lambrecht: "On the electrical characteristic and heat dissipation of high voltage surface arcs" IEEE CEIDP, Mexico, 2018
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, R. Bärsch, J. Lambrecht: "Dimensioning of a defined non-uniform silicone coating using the example of a glass cap insulator" VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik Berlin, 2018
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber: "Investigations on the failure criterion in the high-voltage arc test on silicone elastomers under direct and alternating voltage stress" Symposium Polymere Isolierstoffe und ihre Grenzflächen, Zittau, Germany, 2018
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, J. Lambrecht: "On the Pollution Flashover Behavior of Partly POWERSIL®-Coated Glass Caps", Conference Silicone Insulation, Conference Proceedings, Burghausen, Germany, 2017
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, R. Bärsch and J. Lambrecht: "On the Pollution-Flashover-Behavior of partially Silicone Coated Insulators" 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Argentina, 2017
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, R. Bärsch, J. Lambrecht: "On the Arc-Resistance when Tested with DC- and AC-Stress by the Example of Silicone Elastomers", IEEE CEIDP, Canada, 2016
S. Kühnel, S. Kornhuber, R. Bärsch, J. Lambrecht: "On the evaluation of the external layer flashover voltage of glass cap insulators with defined non-uniform silicone coating" VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik Berlin, 2016
S. Kühnel, R. Bärsch, J. Lambrecht: "On the Erosion- and Arc-Resistance when tested with DC- and AC-Stress by the Example of Silicone Elastomers", 19th ISH Pilsen, Czech Republic, Paper 138, 2015
S. Kühnel, R. Bärsch, S. Kornhuber, G. Simson: "On the Resistance to Tracking and Erosion of polymeric materials under AC and DC Stress", Conference on Silicone Insulation, Tagungsband, Burghausen, 2015
S. Kühnel, R. Bärsch, J. Lambrecht: "Zum Einfluss der Spannungsart auf die Hochspannungs-Lichtbogenfestigkeit von Siliconelastomeren", 6th RCC symposium, Berlin, 2015
S. Kühnel, C. Bär and R. Bärsch: "Evaluation of resistance to surface partial dis-charges of silicone elastomers under AC-and DC-stress", Conference on Silicone Insulation, Tagungsband, Burghausen, 2013
R. Cervinka, S. Kühnel, R. Bärsch, J. Seifert and J. Lambrecht: "Zur Bewertung der Erosions- und Kriechstromfestigkeit von polymeren Isolierfeststoffen unter AC- und DC-Beanspruchungen", ETG-Fachbericht 140 VDE Verlag, 2013, pp. 26-3
Period | |
since 2016 | TU Dresden Cooperative doctoral procedure |
since 2016 | Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences Research assistant at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the Department of High Voltage Engineering / Materials / Theoretical Electrical Engineering |
2008-2012 | Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences Studied electrical power engineering Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diploma thesis: "Investigations into the influence of the type of soiling and humidification on the external layer flashover voltage of plastic insulators" |