

01. April 2017

IEEE Xplore training by IEEE at the HSZG

The training will take place on
Date 12.4.2017
Time: 12:30-14:00
Location: Building Z1 0.37

Ms. Lukács from IEEE will cover the following topics in the IEEE Xplore seminar:

  •  solve problems with successful search strategies for accurate hit lists 
  •  use IEEE Xplore to share your knowledge with others 
  •  find information about companies, institutions, new product technologies, and patents by searching by  author affiliation 
  •  find the best articles by sorting by "Most cited by papers" 
  •  discover what the full text offers in the HTML article on Xplore 
  •  stay informed with IEEEXplore's personalization options: notifications and automatic searches 
  •  learn about the latest news on IEEE Xplore: new IEEE conference proceedings, journals and content from other publishers.