
01. July 2022

For a safe electrical energy supply

Prof. Kornhuber receives the prestigious CIGRE Technical Council Award for his active involvement.

Prof. Dr. techn. Stefan Kornhuber has received the prestigious CIGRE TC Award from Study Committee D1 for his active participation. He has been an active CIGRE member since 2005 and was already involved in various working groups during his time in industry.

"I have been leading a working group in the field of hydrophobic resistance since 2014 and was secretary of a second working group, which has already successfully completed its work in the field of evaluating insulating materials for outdoor applications using dielectric spectroscopy," says the award winner, who is particularly pleased about his award.

Prof. Kornhuber holds his CIGRE Award certificate up to the camera. He is standing in the high-voltage hall of the HSZG.
Photo: HSZG Delighted to receive the CIGRE TC Award: Prof. Dr. techn. Stefan Kornhuber

This Technical Council Award is only given to a few CIGRE members as a reward for their active participation in the technical work of the Study Committees. "Every two years, each Study Committee Chair proposes a name from among the members," says Prof. Stefan Kornhuber. These proposals are then approved by the Chair of the Technical Committee. The prize was introduced in 1993 and is awarded to one person per Study Committee every two years. It is therefore the highest honor to be awarded to a Study Committee.

In addition to Prof. Dr. techn. Stefan Kornhuber, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Schmidt, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cezary Dzienis and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Kühnel play active roles in the CIGRE."With their research and knowledge, they are making a global contribution to a safe and future-oriented electrical energy supply," emphasizes the professor.

The Study Committee D1 deals internationally with materials and innovative test methods. It creates the basis for joint use but also for possible IEC standards and focuses in particular on the following areas:

  • Fundamental aspects of new and existing materials for electrical engineering (functionally filled conductive and insulating materials for electrical applications)
  • Insulating arrangements with one or more electrical insulating materials
  • Diagnostic techniques, evaluation and interpretation
  • Novel and supplementary testing and diagnostic methods
Learn more about CIGRE

The CIGRE (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques) was founded in 1921 in Paris, France. International Council of Large Electrical Networks) was founded in Paris, France, in 1921 and is a global community dedicated to the joint development and exchange of expertise in the field of energy supply. The community comprises thousands of professionals (currently around 8,000) from over 90 countries and 1,250 member organizations, including some of the world's leading experts. At its heart are CIGRE's 59 national committees, which offer diverse technical perspectives and expertise from around the world.

CIGRE operates the world's leading knowledge program, spanning 16 working areas covering all core areas of the energy system. In these areas, more than 250 working groups are working to solve existing and future challenges for the energy system based on practical expertise.

CIGRE's knowledge program includes a variety of local and international events, culminating every two years in the Paris Session in France - a unique congress for thought leaders and the number one event for the energy system worldwide.

Over the past 100 years, CIGRE's work has contributed to many of the most important technical cornerstones of the modern electricity system. CIGRE's renowned publications, produced through the sharing of real-world experience, are in many cases the authoritative source of reference information.

"All of this means that when electricity industry professionals are looking for unbiased, fact-based answers, they turn to CIGRE, the world's preeminent source of expertise on power systems," concludes Prof. Stefan Kornhuber.

Photo: Prof. Dr. techn. Stefan Kornhuber
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. techn.
Stefan Kornhuber
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstrasse 2a
Building Z V, Room 117
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4365