

17. July 2015

Zittau high voltage in the Far East

Following an invitation from the EPRI in China (China Electric Power Research Institute), Prof. Dr.-techn. S. Kornhuber and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) C. Bär participated in a conference week of five different CIGRE Working Groups of the study committees B2 (overhead lines) - and D1 (insulation and conductor materials as well as testing and diagnostic methods) in Beijing from April 13 to April 16, 2015.

Following the invitation of the EPRI in China (China Electric Power Research Institute), Prof. Dr.-techn. S. Kornhuber and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) C. Bär took part in a conference week of five different CIGRE Working Groups of the Study Committees B2 (overhead lines) and D1 (insulation and conductor materials as well as testing and diagnostic methods) in Beijing from April 13 to 16, 2015.

The CIGRE - International Council on Large Electric Systems - is a non-profit association founded in Paris in 1921 with the aim of "networking" experts worldwide to exchange knowledge and develop and improve electrical systems. A total of 16 study committees deal with topics relating to the development, operation and management of electrical energy systems as well as the planning, construction, maintenance and disposal of devices and systems.

During the conference week in Beijing, the Working Groups:


  • B2.57 (Exchange of experience and preparation of a guideline for application of composite insulators)
  • D1.58 (Evaluation of hydrophobic properties of polymeric insulating materials AC and DC application)
  • D1.59 (Methods for the characterization of polymeric insulating materials for outdoor use)
  • D1.61 (optical measurement and detection of corona discharges) and
  • D1.62 (Surface degradation of polymeric insulating materials for outdoor use)

hold their regular working group meetings.

The Zittau high-voltage technology team, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Bärsch, has been actively involved in CIGRE for more than 10 years, especially in the development of test methods for the evaluation of water-repellent properties of polymer insulating materials for high-voltage outdoor use, e.g. by planning, conducting and evaluating worldwide round robin tests. This work will be continued by Prof. Dr.-techn. S. Kornhuber and consolidated by taking over the secretarial positions in the Working Groups D1.58 and D1.59. Ms. Bär presented the results of her research in Working Group D1.58 and made suggestions for an improved test procedure to evaluate the water-repellent properties of insulating materials.

In addition to the technical work within the working groups, the program also included a visit to the test laboratories and the test field for ultra-high DC voltages of the "State Grid Corporation of China" in Beijing. Among other things, the open-air facilities with the DC test field up to 1000 kilovolts test voltage (photo), an impulse voltage test facility up to 7500 kilovolts test voltage, several high-voltage laboratories and a large-volume climatic chamber with a diameter and height of more than 20 m and a temperature range of approx. -40 °C to +50 °C for tests on iced insulators could be viewed.